Site Plan Modification
The Tallahassee Land Development Code allows certain types of changes to a previously approved site plan to be processed as either a minor or major site plan modification.
To determine whether the changes you are proposing will be considered a "minor" or a "major" modification, please contact us at 850-891-7001, choosing option 4 or via email at Staff will provide a letter authorizing your submission as a "minor" or a "major" modification, based on the scope of work as outlined in Chapter 9 of the Land Development Code. The letter from staff must be uploaded with your modification application through the online application portal.
Submittal Requirements
1. Minor Modification:
All documents should also be submitted in electronic PDF form using the Standard Naming Conventions
- Modification Determination Letter
- Modification Narrative
- Signed & Sealed Boundary Survey (with digital surveyor signature or original hardcopy stamped "verified original" by Growth Management staff)
- Site Plan with Changes
- Completed Owner's Affidavit (with notary signature)
- Land Use Compliance Certification
If no changes have occurred since original project submission to any of the above required documents, and documents are still valid, documentation from original submittal can be used to meet this application's requirements. The review time frame for a minor modification is 7 business days.
Apply for Minor Modification Review
2. Major Modification Application Procedures:
All documents should also be submitted in electronic PDF form using the Standard Naming Conventions
- Modification Determination Letter
- Modification Narrative
- Signed & Sealed Boundary Survey (with digital surveyor signature or original hardcopy stamped "verified original" by Growth Management staff)
- Site Plan with Changes
- Completed Owner's Affidavit (with notary signature)
- Land Use Compliance Certification
- Deviation from Development Standard Application (if applicable)
- Preliminary Concurrency Certificate (if required)
- School Concurrency Impact Analysis (If required)
Once these items are received, a sign must be posted on the property to constitute a substantially complete application. Once an application is received, and intake staff has reviewed that all required documents have been submitted, a sign document file, sign specifications, and sign posting affidavit will be sent via email to the applicant with detailed instructions so that the Legal Notification requirement task can be completed. To complete the application submittal requirements, the applicant must upload a completed sign posting affidavit and two pictures of the posted sign. The deadline for completing all application submittal requirements is 10:00am on a DRC submittal day. The sign posting submittal requirements are due at 4:00pm the following business day.
If no changes have occurred since original project submission to any of the above required documents, and documents are still valid, documentation from original submittal can be used to meet this application's requirements. The review time frame for a major modification to a site plan or subdivision is the same as the time frame for the original approval.
Apply for Major Modification Review